Been staring down this morning trying to find my words to write. I haven’t wrote lately as my emotions have just been all over the place. I sit here in Mason’s room watching the sun beam through the windows bringing yet another day for me to make it through. I never know which emotions I may have until I get up and going. One thing I do know is my strength is ever present as my life just keeps moving and some days knocking me completely down. I have had some changes this past year. People who I never thought would desert me did, but new people also come into my life as well. This week has been so hard and I have found my true strength. I will never get back what I have lost but I’m sure I have survived the worst pain I will ever faced. I have made a new world out of the pieces. I guess I am a tired and battle-scarred version of who I was. I am a warrior who have found love and friendship with others who suffer great loss as well. I have found my true strength if only just for today. I will get up tomorrow and try it again.
Gigi loves you Mason Jayce always. You will always be my first grandchild and never replaced ever. I will not let anyone forget you and will honor you with every breath. Swim safe my little sea turtle and explore as much as you can my little explorer. Keep watching over us giving us your sweet signs as we need them. .
I love you I love you I love you❤️🐢